Surplus Water Event
Tuesday 23 January 2024
What is the current advice?
Murrumbidgee River Surplus Water Event for eligible customers has been extend to 8am Friday 26 January, for Main Canal, Sturt Canal, and Wah Wah customers with possibility of extension. Place orders ASAP via EASYWATER.
How do I know if I am eligible?
General Security customers and customers with Supplementary Allocation or Internal Surplus [HOU] rights of access are eligible for access to surplus water.
The volume that you are eligible to take, will depend on your entitlement and how much allocation and or carry over you already have in your allocation account.
For General Security customers, the combination of surplus water, allocation and carryover cannot exceed 100%. Customers with Supplementary Allocation or Internal Surplus [HOU] accounts can take up to 100% of their allocation.
See our Surplus Water Rules for details.
How much water can I take in this event?
This will depend on the volume that we are able to take in from the river, how long the event lasts and the demand from other customers. Any water taken in excess of the Surplus Water allocated, is considered “on allocation” and deducted from your water allocation account.
How will the event be shared?
If demand for surplus water exceeds the water available or our delivery capability, then it will be apportioned based on your Delivery Entitlements. Any water taken in excess of your apportioned amount will be considered “on allocation” and deducted from your water allocation account.
How do I order the water?
Order via EASYWATER and the usual 48-hour notification period will apply.
How long will the event go for?
Extended to 8am Friday 26 January for Main Canal, Sturt Canal, and Wah Wah customers with possibility of extension.