MI News


MIA closing in on full automation

29 May 2024

Taking advantage of the cooler months, Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI) has commenced a program of automation, repairs, and scheduled maintenance to irrig ...

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Winter Works keep system humming

23 May 2023

Taking advantage of the cooler months, Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI) has commenced a program of automation, repairs, and scheduled maintenance to irrig ...

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Roach's Reservoir taking shape

29 Jan 2023

Works on Roach’s enroute reservoir, near Yanco, commenced late last year, with the project set to benefit irrigators’ by complimenting the automation ...

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Phone: (02) 6962 0200
Email: info@mirrigation.com.au
Postal: Locked Bag 6010 Griffith NSW 2680

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